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 21 mei 2024 08:50 

Agrifirm: the power of regenerative agriculture

We believe that we can and must contribute to a responsible food chain for future generations. That is our driving force in everything we do and every decision we make.  Therefore, Agrifirm is developing new ways for farmers and growers based on the principles of healthy soil, healthy animals, healthy nature and a fair income for farmer and grower.





With the program “healthy soil – healthy future” Agrifirm is developing science-based regenerative agricultural practices to specifically enhance soil health, promoting biodiversity and mitigating the effects of climate change, while at the same time reducing inputs. These practices are building a framework to support farmers transition from conventional approaches towards sustainable regenerative farming. With “healthy soil – healthy future” we are finding answers to our environmental challenges, as well as the governmental targets aiming for a more sustainable food system.

Agrifirm’s approach follows science-proven key principles:

1. Improve soil health, soil physical properties and building-up soil organic carbon driven by:

  • continuous soil cover
  • diversity in crop rotation
  • in-field crop diversity with cover crop mixtures and intercropping

2. Reduce external inputs by improving nutrient cycle and the use of natural resources enabled by

  • use of organic manures
  • reduced soil disturbance
  • integration of livestock

To make the transition towards regenerative agriculture a success we need to generate experience in our farmer’s fields. This is why we are currently extending our farmer network from 10 to 50 farmers. Tailor-made transition plans for every farmer are a key element in Agrifirm’s approach: providing a farm-specific plan from for the whole growing season and supporting day-to-day decisions.

In essence we offer our pilot farmers:

  • focused strategy on the improving the soil health, tailored towards the respective requirements of a farm (e.g., crop rotation, soil type, technical options)
  • stepwise change, deepen learnings and experience as soil life needs to adjust during the transition period
  • farmer support in the transition process with advice, products and services like e.g. data-driven farm dashboard to support decision making on plant nutrition and crop protection
  • sustainable farmer income and value creation along the whole food chain as an essential element to support this change and to develop the concept further, requiring involvement of all other players in the food chain.

We are strong believers that partnering-up along the food chain will be the key for a successful and sustainable transformation of agricultural practices with measurable economic and ecological benefits for all stakeholders. Please reach out to us if you like to learn more or join our journey as a farmer, partner or investor.

For more information, please download our whitepaper and have a look at: agrifirm.com/regenerative.

Want to join us as a farmer or partner in our endeavours? Please contact us via regenerative@agrifirm.com.

Regenerative agriculture

Regen Ag is the future oriented approach of Agrifirm Plant Based Solutions (PBS) to create and deliver new ways of agriculture with minimal environmental impact and a fair economic return. Regen Ag is built on Agrifirm’s conviction of connecting scientific based research with data driven day-to-day experiences on the fields of our growers. An approach which delivers todays propositions like our Total Phytophthora method as well as tomorrows Total Crop Approach. Agrifirm’s PBS concepts connect scientific knowledge, field experience/advice and big data into one full service approach supporting our farmers business. Today and tomorrow.



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